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Cow Skull and Flowers, Western, Southwestern, Rustic, Country, Colorful.
Impressionist, Modern, Spiritual, Colorful, Jesus, the Lion and the Lamb Portrait.
Colorful, Impressionist, Abstract, Girl on Horse in Ocean.
Colorful, Whimsical Pig Portrait Nessled in a Patch of Sunflowers.
Abstract, Impressionist, Modern, Colorful, Sunflower Portrait.
Night Life, Owl, Textured Background, Tree Trunk, Wildlife Portrait.
Reflections, Acrylic on 11x14 Canvas Panel, Eclectic, Portrait, Flowers.
Abstract, Impressionist, Rooster and Hen, Original Art, 16x20.
Abstract, Impressionist Bear, Cubs, Playing.
Abstract, Impressionist, Modern, Colorful, Moody, Nude Portrait.